Salem State University

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Search Results Page 3 of 3

Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching in Secondary Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Leadership. Teaching assignments will include seminars, practica, lectures, and other subjects will depend upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the program.   Salem State University values, celebrates and appreciates diversity...
Department : Name Linked
School of Graduate Studies
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching POL 101: Introduction to Civic Enagement. The initial course in our Civic Engagement minor, this class introduces students to the history, key concepts and frameworks of civic engagement in a democracy. The course also invites students to explore university-community relationships and power structures and how individuals and groups create and sustain social change.  Instructors are invited to use both traditional and community engaged scholarship to enable students to critically examine a variety of social justice issues and the role of multiple stakeholders and research...
State Title
Instructor for CIV 101: Introduction to Civic Engagement
Department : Name Linked
Politics, Policy and International Relations
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct instructors to teach BSW courses. The program is seeking applicants with interest, social work practice experience, and experience teaching. Teaching assignments will depend upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the program.   Salem State University values, celebrates and appreciates diversity
Department : Name Linked
School of Social Work
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching graduate English courses in literature and/or writing. Teaching assignments will depend upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the program.   Salem State University values, celebrates and appreciates diversity
Department : Name Linked
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching in secondary education teachere preparation. Teaching assignments will depend upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the program.   Salem State University values, celebrates and appreciates diversity in all its forms and endeavors to create a space that reflects the campus community...
Department : Name Linked
School of Education
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct instructors with interest and experience teaching in areas of criminal justice (i.e. practice, policy, research, administration, elective courses). Teaching will depend upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the programs.
Department : Name Linked
Criminal Justice
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching theatre and oral communication courses in a variety of topics and theatrical disciplines. Teaching assignments will include oral communication and theatre courses within the BA and BFA curriculum, depending upon the expertise of the candidate and needs of the programs.
Department : Name Linked
Theatre and Speech Communication
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
Salem State University is seeking adjunct professors with interest and experience teaching physics laboratories. Teaching assignments will include introductory physics labs.
Department : Name Linked
Chemistry and Physics
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable
The Art + Design department at Salem State University seeks candidates to teach the following courses: Spring 2020 (ART232-Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art); Fall 2020 (ART232-Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Art, ART233-Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Art, and ART336-Women, Art and Ideology); and Future semesters (ART333A-Asian Art,
Department : Name Linked
Art + Design
Bargaining Unit
Not Applicable